Histoire de la lèpre en France: lépreux et cagots du Sud-Ouest: Electronic Edition

  • Book includes numerous short texts in Gascon, Latin, French, and Navarrese. Many are excerpted from notaries' registers. We have chosen 16 for purposes of the corpus. Some texts have been omitted because they are available in other, more complete, editions (e.g. #2 among the Pièces justificatives is from the Fors de Béarn). In addition, some documents are excerpts so short that they have little linguistic interest, (e.g., the will of Pierre Amanieu, captal de Buch, p. 370, whose text consists here of one sentence).

  • The table presents all of the verb forms occurring in this text.
  • Rows that are shaded in brown indicate verb analyses that are uncertain in some way (lemma or grammatical analysis)
  • Rows that are shaded in yellow indicate verbs that occur in texts contained in the form of later copies.
  • For information on the conventions and abbreviations used here see editorial principles.
Lemma Verb Form T/A/M P/N Region Date Page Line
aderir aderitz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 363 24
aderir aderit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1383 364 37
ajudar ajudar INF 0 north 1320 345 4
ajustar ajustatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 363 24
alienar alienar INF 0 south 1489 601 3
anar anar PRET 3SG north 1320 345 1
aparelhar aparelhat PST.PTCP M.SG north 1320 345 3
aparer apere IMPF 3SG south 1283 262 34
aperar aperat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 263 6
applicar applicadores FUT.PTCP F.PL south 1391 627 29
arder arden IMPF 3PL north 1320 345 1
arder argossen PST.SBJV 3PL north 1320 344 27
aucider aussi PRS.IND 3SG north 1388 343 29
audir auzida PST.PTCP F.SG north 1320 344 28
autrejar autreyar INF 0 south 1283 262 32
autrejar autreyan PRET 3PL south 1434 643 33
autrejar autreya PRET 3SG south 1391 627 22
autrejar autreya PRET 3SG south 1396 628 2
autrejar autreya PRET 3SG south 1396 628 5
autrejar autreya PRET 3SG south 1396 628 18
autrejar autreya PRET 3SG south 1384 631 14
autrejar autreyade PST.PTCP F.SG south 1283 263 3
autrejar autreyat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 262 32
autrejar autreyat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 24
autrejar autreyat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 28
aver auran FUT 3PL south 1383 362 11
aver ave IMPF 3SG south 1489 600 34
aver ave IMPF 3SG south 1489 618 17
aver ave IMPF 3SG south 1489 618 18
aver ave IMPF 3SG south 1384 631 17
aver aver INF 0 north 1495-1496 372 14
aver agut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1391 627 26
aver- auran FUT 3PL south 1379 353 8
aver- auran FUT 3PL south 1383 362 9
aver- aura FUT 3SG south 1391 627 25
aver- aura FUT 3SG south 1391 627 26
aver- aura FUT 3SG south 1396 628 6
aver- aura FUT 3SG south 1396 628 7
aver- aven IMPF 3PL south 1379 353 22
aver- abe IMPF 3SG north 1320 344 25
aver- ave IMPF 3SG south 1384 631 17
aver- have IMPF 3SG south 1391 643 23
aver- aver INF 0 south 1379 353 15
aver- aver INF 0 south 1383 364 8
aver- an PRS.IND 3PL south 1379 353 19
aver- an PRS.IND 3PL south 1379 353 19
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG south 1283 263 2
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG south 1379 353 18
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG south 1379 353 20
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG south 1379 353 23
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG north 1309 370 17
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG north 1328 371 1
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG north 1328 371 3
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG north 1495-1496 372 12
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG south 1489 600 32
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG south 1396 628 3
aver- ha PRS.IND 3SG south 1391 643 19
aver- ha PRS.IND 3SG south 1391 643 20
aver- agosi PST.SBJV 1SG north 1320 344 28
aver- aguosen PST.SBJV 3PL south 1396 627 41
aver- agosse PST.SBJV 3SG south 1283 262 32
aver- agues PST.SBJV 3SG south 1489 618 17
aver- agues PST.SBJV 3SG south 1489 618 18
aver- aguos PST.SBJV 3SG south 1396 628 9
avidar abidar INF 0 north 1495-1496 372 15
avoar aboa PRET 3SG south 1283 263 1
caler calhe PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1379 353 11
carrejar carreyades PST.PTCP F.PL south 1379 353 9
carrejar carreyade PST.PTCP F.SG south 1379 353 16
cercar sercade PST.PTCP F.SG south 1283 262 31
complir complir INF 0 south 1391 627 30
complir complir INF 0 south 1391 627 32
comprar compri PRS.SBJV 3SG north 1388 344 1
comprar compria PRS.SBJV 3SG north 1388 344 3
comprar crompade PST.PTCP F.SG south 1379 353 16
coneisser conoguda PST.PTCP F.SG north 1320 344 19
coneisser coneguerssen PST.SBJV 3PL south 1489 618 16
confermar conferma PRET 3SG south 1283 263 1
confrontar confronte PRS.IND 3SG south 1489 600 35
contar compte PRS.IND 3SG north 1495-1496 372 12
contar condan PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1383 363 26
contenir contengudas PST.PTCP F.PL north 1320 345 6
contenir contengut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 263 4
contenir contengut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1396 628 1
contenir contengut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1396 628 7
contenir contengut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1396 628 21
contribuir contribuir INF 0 south 1379 353 21
costumar costumat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 22
creder credutz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1396 628 11
crobir crobir INF 0 south 1379 353 15
culhir culhir INF 0 south 1379 353 24
culhir culhies PST.PTCP F.PL south 1379 353 8
dar dar INF 0 south 1489 601 3
dar dar INF 0 south 1384 631 16
dar dar INF 0 south 1434 643 33
dar dat PST.PTCP M.SG north 1309 370 17
dar dossen PST.SBJV 3PL north 1320 344 27
dar dossen PST.SBJV 3PL north 1320 345 2
declarar declaran PRET 3PL south 1489 618 20
declarar declarrassen PST.SBJV 3PL south 1489 618 16
defener deffendut PST.PTCP M.SG north 1320 344 26
desembargar desembargada PST.PTCP F.PL north 1495-1496 372 16
despulhar despulha PRET 3SG south 1489 600 38
dever deben PRS.IND 3PL south 1434 643 33
dever deu PRS.IND 3SG south 1379 353 15
dever deu PRS.IND 3SG south 1384 631 16
dizer dize IMPF 3SG north 1320 344 31
dizer diser INF 0 south 1489 618 20
dizer dixon PRET 3PL south 1283 262 27
dizer dixon PRET 3PL south 1283 262 29
dizer dixon PRET 3PL south 1283 262 32
dizer dixon PRET 3PL south 1283 262 33
dizer dixon PRET 3PL south 1379 353 3
dizer dixon PRET 3PL south 1396 628 1
dizer dixon PRET 3PL south 1384 631 18
dizer dis PRET 3SG north 1320 344 26
dizer dis PRET 3SG north 1320 344 30
dizer dis PRET 3SG north 1320 344 31
dizer dixo PRET 3SG south 1489 600 34
dizer digt PRS.IND 3SG south 1489 618 22
dizer dites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1283 262 31
dizer dytas PST.PTCP F.PL north 1320 345 8
dizer dites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1379 353 13
dizer dites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1379 353 17
dizer dites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1379 353 24
dizer dites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1391 627 26
dizer dites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1396 628 6
dizer dites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1396 628 9
dizer dites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1396 628 12
dizer dites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1396 628 20
dizer dite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1283 262 33
dizer dite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1283 263 1
dizer dite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1283 263 4
dizer deyta PST.PTCP F.SG north 1320 344 27
dizer deyta PST.PTCP F.SG north 1320 345 1
dizer dite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1383 363 30
dizer deita PST.PTCP F.SG north 1328 371 1
dizer dite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1489 618 23
dizer dite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1396 628 4
dizer dite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1396 628 7
dizer dytz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1379 353 28
dizer ditz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 362 7
dizer ditz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 364 5
dizer diitz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 364 19
dizer ditz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1396 628 2
dizer ditz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1396 628 8
dizer ditz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1396 628 9
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 262 28
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 262 30
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 262 30
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 262 32
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 263 1
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 263 2
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 263 2
dizer deyt PST.PTCP M.SG north 1320 344 22
dizer deyt PST.PTCP M.SG north 1320 344 24
dizer deyt PST.PTCP M.SG north 1320 344 31
dizer deyt PST.PTCP M.SG north 1320 344 31
dizer deyt PST.PTCP M.SG north 1320 345 6
dizer deyt PST.PTCP M.SG north 1320 345 7
dizer dyt PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 5
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 9
dizer dyt PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 16
dizer dyt PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 22
dizer dyt PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 24
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 354 47
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1383 362 8
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1383 362 11
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 600 34
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 601 1
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 601 2
dizer dict PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 601 5
dizer dict PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 618 18
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 618 19
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 618 21
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 618 22
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 618 24
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1391 627 28
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1396 628 5
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1396 628 18
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1384 631 17
donar donat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 23
emprener enpres PST.PTCP M.SG south 1396 628 4
encorrer encorren PRS.IND 3PL south 1391 627 29
encorrer encors PST.PTCP M.SG north 1388 344 7
entrar entre PRS.IND 3SG south 1489 618 23
entrar entrat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1391 627 27
escriver escriutz PST.PTCP M.PL north 1320 344 20
esmendar esmendar INF 0 north 1388 343 30
esperar sperasse PST.SBJV 3SG south 1283 262 26
esser seran FUT 3PL south 1379 353 7
esser seran FUT 3PL south 1379 353 10
esser seran FUT 3PL south 1379 353 13
esser sera FUT 3SG north 1388 343 30
esser sera FUT 3SG south 1379 353 12
esser sera FUT 3SG south 1379 353 15
esser eran IMPF 3PL north 1320 345 3
esser era IMPF 3SG north 1320 344 23
esser ester INF 0 south 1283 262 27
esser son PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 363 25
esser son PRS.IND 3PL north 1495-1496 372 15
esser son PRS.IND 3PL south 1434 643 37
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1283 262 35
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1383 363 25
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1489 618 24
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1391 643 23
esser ssien PRS.SBJV 3PL south 1379 353 10
esser sia PRS.SBJV 3SG north 1320 344 19
esser fosse PST.SBJV 3SG south 1283 262 26
esser- seri COND 3SG north 1388 344 7
esser- sera FUT 3SG south 1391 627 27
esser- eren IMPF 3PL south 1396 628 5
esser- esser INF 0 south 1383 363 24
esser- esser INF 0 south 1383 364 37
esser- fo PRET 3SG south 1283 262 29
esser- fo PRET 3SG south 1379 353 24
esser- fo PRET 3SG south 1379 353 28
esser- son PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 362 14
esser- son PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 362 15
esser- son PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 362 29
esser- son PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 364 13
esser- son PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 364 23
esser- son PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 364 37
esser- est PRS.IND 3SG south 1283 263 4
esser- es PRS.IND 3SG north 1388 344 3
esser- es PRS.IND 3SG north 1388 344 11
esser- es PRS.IND 3SG south 1379 353 7
esser- es PRS.IND 3SG south 1396 627 44
esser- es PRS.IND 3SG south 1396 628 1
esser- es PRS.IND 3SG south 1396 628 7
esser- es PRS.IND 3SG south 1396 628 21
esser- sie PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1283 262 31
esser- sia PRS.SBJV 3SG north 1388 343 29
esser- sia PRS.SBJV 3SG north 1388 344 12
esser- sie PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1379 353 20
esser- fosen PST.SBJV 3SG south 1396 627 41
esser- fosen PST.SBJV 3SG south 1396 628 11
establir establit PST.PTCP M.SG north 1388 344 3
establir establit PST.PTCP M.SG north 1388 344 11
estar estan PRS.IND 3PL south 1379 353 21
exceptar exceptat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 14
fer fari COND 3SG north 1388 344 8
fer faran FUT 3PL south 1379 353 14
fer faze IMPF 3SG north 1388 344 7
fer far INF 0 south 1379 353 6
fer far INF 0 south 1396 627 42
fer far INF 0 south 1396 628 13
fer far INF 0 south 1396 628 19
fer fitz PRET 1SG north 1320 345 14
fer fey PRS.IND 3SG north 1388 344 13
fer feytes PST.PTCP F.PL south 1489 618 17
fer feytes PST.PTCP F.PL south 1489 618 18
fer feite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1283 262 29
fer feite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1283 262 34
fer feyte PST.PTCP F.SG south 1383 364 19
fer feytz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1434 643 34
fer feit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 18
fer feyt PST.PTCP M.SG south 1396 628 6
fer feyt PST.PTCP M.SG south 1396 628 9
fer feyt PST.PTCP M.SG south 1434 643 36
fer fessi PST.SBJV 1SG north 1320 344 25
fer- fara FUT 3SG south 1396 628 19
fer- far INF 0 south 1283 262 32
fer- far INF 0 north 1495-1496 372 14
fer- far INF 0 north 1495-1496 372 15
fer- far INF 0 north 1495-1496 372 16
fer- far INF 0 north 1495-1496 372 16
fer- feyt PST.PTCP M.SG south 1383 362 9
gitar gitar INF 0 north 1495-1496 372 16
guarir garide PST.PTCP F.SG south 1384 631 17
judjar judjan PRET 3PL south 1489 618 20
judjar judgin PRS.SBJV 3PL south 1489 618 16
jurar juran PRET 3PL south 1283 263 5
jurar juran PRET 3PL south 1383 362 8
jurar juran PRET 3PL south 1383 364 10
jurar jura PRET 3SG south 1489 601 7
jurar jura PRET 3SG south 1489 618 20
jurar jura PRET 3SG south 1391 627 31
jurar jura PRET 3SG south 1396 628 12
jurar jura PRET 3SG south 1396 628 21
laudar lauda PRET 3SG south 1283 263 1
leissar leissat PST.PTCP M.SG north 1309 370 17
leissar leyssat PST.PTCP M.SG north 1328 371 1
leissar leyssat PST.PTCP M.SG north 1328 371 3
logar logar INF 0 north 1388 344 12
logar logui PRS.SBJV 3SG north 1388 344 9
logar logui PRS.SBJV 3SG north 1388 344 12
manar mana PRET 3SG south 1489 618 15
menjar meniar INF 0 north 1309 370 20
menjar mingia PRS.IND 3SG north 1388 344 5
meter meteran FUT 3PL south 1379 353 11
meter meteran FUT 3PL south 1379 353 12
meter metuy PRET 1SG north 1320 345 8
meter meton PRET 3PL south 1396 628 10
meter meto PRET 3SG south 1489 601 2
meter metos PST.SBJV 3SG north 1320 344 29
mostrar mustrat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1391 627 26
nomenar nomiaz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1379 353 2
nomenar nomiatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 362 11
obligar obligar INF 0 south 1383 362 9
obligar obligan PRET 3PL south 1283 263 4
obligar obligan PRET 3PL south 1379 353 4
obligar obligan PRET 3PL south 1383 362 8
obligar obligan PRET 3PL south 1383 363 22
obligar obligan PRET 3PL south 1383 364 8
obligar obligan PRET 3PL south 1383 364 11
obligar obligan PRET 3PL south 1383 364 13
obligar obliguan PRET 3PL south 1396 628 15
obligar obliga PRET 3SG south 1383 364 18
obligar obliga PRET 3SG south 1383 364 18
obligar obliga PRET 3SG south 1383 364 23
obligar obliga PRET 3SG south 1383 364 28
obligar obliga PRET 3SG south 1383 364 32
obligar obliga PRET 3SG south 1383 364 36
obligar obliga PRET 3SG south 1489 601 7
obligar obliga PRET 3SG south 1391 627 22
obligar obliga PRET 3SG south 1391 627 30
obligar obligatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 362 14
obligar obligats PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 362 15
obligar obligatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 362 29
obligar obligatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 363 24
obligar obligatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 363 30
obligar obligats PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 364 14
obligar obligats PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 364 24
obligar obligatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1383 364 37
obligar obliguatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1396 627 41
obligar obliguatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1396 628 5
obrar obrades PST.PTCP F.PL south 1379 353 9
ordenar ordenats PST.PTCP M.PL north 1495-1496 372 17
pagar paguera FUT 3SG north 1388 344 13
pagar pagarat FUT 3SG south 1384 631 15
pagar pagaduyras FUT.PTCP F.PL north 1328 371 2
pagar pagar INF 0 south 1379 353 20
pagar pagar INF 0 south 1379 353 22
pagar pagar INF 0 south 1489 601 5
pagar pagar INF 0 south 1391 627 29
pagar paguar INF 0 south 1396 628 12
pagar pagar INF 0 south 1434 643 35
pagar payat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 19
pagar pagat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 19
pagar pagat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1383 364 8
pagar pagat PST.PTCP M.SG north 1495-1496 372 12
pagar pagat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1391 627 25
pagar pagat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1391 643 24
passar passe PRS.IND 3SG south 1489 618 23
passar passat PST.PTCP M.SG north 1495-1496 372 18
portar portador FUT.PTCP M.SG south 1384 631 15
portar portar INF 0 south 1383 362 11
possedir possedir INF 0 south 1489 601 3
prener prenen IMPF 3SG south 1396 628 10
prener prener INF 0 north 1320 345 1
prener prener INF 0 north 1320 345 4
prener prengua PRS.SBJV 3SG north 1388 344 6
prener pres PST.PTCP M.SG south 1396 627 41
prener prees PST.PTCP M.SG south 1391 643 20
prometer prometon PRET 3PL south 1379 353 4
prometer prometon PRET 3PL south 1383 362 8
prometer prometon PRET 3PL south 1383 363 22
prometer prometon PRET 3PL south 1383 364 8
prometer prosmeto PRET 3SG south 1489 601 5
prometer prometo PRET 3SG south 1391 627 22
prometer prometo PRET 3SG south 1396 628 5
prometer prometo PRET 3SG south 1396 628 12
prometer prometo PRET 3SG south 1396 628 18
prometer prometo PRET 3SG south 1384 631 13
prometer prometut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1283 262 32
quitar quitatz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1379 353 20
receber recebent PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 6
reconeisser reconeguo PRET 3SG south 1396 628 2
reconeisser reconegut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1391 643 19
renunciar renuncia PRET 3SG south 1489 601 7
reparar reparar INF 0 south 1396 627 42
requerir requiriren PRET 3PL north 1320 345 7
requerir requerit PRET 3SG north 1320 344 25
requerir requeri PRET 3SG south 1489 618 15
restituir restituit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 20
retenir retengu PRET 1SG south 1379 354 48
retenir retenent PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1489 601 3
retenir retengude PST.PTCP F.SG south 1283 262 34
retenir retengude PST.PTCP F.SG south 1383 364 15
retenir rectengude PST.PTCP F.SG south 1383 364 19
retenir retengude PST.PTCP F.SG south 1383 364 25
retenir retengude PST.PTCP F.SG south 1383 364 29
retenir retengude PST.PTCP F.SG south 1383 364 33
retenir retengude PST.PTCP F.SG south 1396 627 43
saber saber INF 0 south 1283 262 35
saber saber INF 0 south 1283 262 35
saber saber INF 0 south 1379 353 7
saber saber INF 0 south 1396 628 1
sauvar saubant PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1489 601 3
segrar segrat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1383 363 24
segrar segrat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1383 364 10
seguir sseguir INF 0 north 1320 345 4
seguir seguien PRS.IND 3PL south 1379 353 32
seguir seguin PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 362 14
seguir seguin PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 362 29
seguir seguin PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 363 22
seguir seguien PRS.IND 3PL south 1383 363 30
servir servit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1391 643 23
signar signade PST.PTCP F.SG south 1383 364 15
signar signade PST.PTCP F.SG south 1383 364 19
situar scituat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 600 34
stipular stipulant PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 6
tenir tenir INF 0 north 1495-1496 372 14
tenir tenir INF 0 north 1495-1496 372 16
tenir thier INF 0 south 1489 601 3
tenir tenir INF 0 south 1391 627 27
tenir tenir INF 0 south 1391 627 32
tenir tengo PRET 3SG south 1391 643 23
tenir tengut PST.PTCP M.SG north 1388 343 30
tenir tengut PST.PTCP M.SG north 1388 344 12
treger treytz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1396 628 7
trobar trobaba IMPF 3SG north 1388 343 28
veder vis PST.SBJV 1SG north 1320 344 28
vener vendre INF 0 north 1388 344 1
vener vendre INF 0 north 1388 344 6
vener bener INF 0 south 1489 601 3
vener venut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1489 600 32
venir benentz PRS.PTCP M.PL south 1383 362 9
venir bienent PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1379 353 8
venir benent PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1489 601 6
venir vient PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1391 627 25
venir vient PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1396 628 6
venir vient PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1384 631 15
venir vient PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1434 643 36
verenhar verenhar INF 0 north 1388 344 10
verenhar verenhar INF 0 north 1388 344 12
verenhar verenhar INF 0 north 1388 344 13
voler bolo PRET 3SG south 1383 364 37
voler volo PRET 3SG south 1396 628 11
voler bol PRS.IND 3SG south 1379 353 19